This summer we went discovering Bavaria (south of Germany) with our children. Outside spendid landscapes, great cities and fabulous castles, we discovered that (almost) all cafes and restaurants are « baby or child friendly »!

We were always welcome (even with 2 young children).
All of them had at least one high-chair.
And almost of them also had changing table in toilets, kid menu (a « true » menu, not a steak or ham and french fries only) at reduced price (rarely more than 6€), menu served quickly to the kids, coloring pages and coloured pencils, sometime even a playground (!), a « little » gift (candies, ice cream not announced on the menu, colored pencils…), etc…
Most of them could easily apply to FamilleFamily label (website in French only).

Our kids (who already love going to restaurants !) were just happy been there…and the parents as well (as kids were busy!). ;-) When will it be like this in France?